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To save on capsule pins the different parts in the F8 processor system communicates with the ROMC-bus.
Instead of an address bus each device has its own Program Counter (PC). The different states

ROMC Signal functions


00000 00 S,L Instruction Fetch. The device whose address space includes the contents of the PCO register must

place on the data bus the op code addressed by PC0; then all devices increment the contents of PC0.

00001 01 L The device whose address space includes the contents of the PCO register must place on the data bus

the contents of the memory location addressed by PC0; then all devices add the 8-bit value on the data
bus, as as signed binary number, to PC0.

00010 02 L The device whose DC0 addresses a memory word within the address space of that device must

place on the data bus the contents of the memory location addressed by DC0; then all devices
increment DC0.

00011 03 L,S
00100 04 S
00101 05 L
00110 06 L
00111 07 L
01000 08 L
01001 09 L
01010 0A L
01011 0B L
01100 0C L
01101 0D S
01110 0E L
01111 0F L
10000 10 L
10001 11 L
10010 12 L
10011 13 L
10100 14 L
10101 15 L
10110 16 L
10111 17 L
11000 18 L
11001 19 L
11010 1A L
11011 1B L During the prior cycle, the data bus specified the address of an I/O port. The device containing the

addressed I/O port must place the contents of the I/O port on the data bus. (Note that the contents of
timer and interrupt control registers cannot be read back onto the data bus.)

11100 1C L or S None.
11101 1D S Devices with DC0 and DC1 registers must switch registers. Devices without a DC1 register perform no


11110 1E L The device whose address space includes the contents of PCO must place the low order byte of PCO

onto the data bus.

11111 1F L The device whose address space includes the contents of PCO must place the high order byte of PCO

onto the data bus.