Homebrew:Multi-Cart Menu
Demonstration of the menu in the 2009 Multi-Cart.
Democart 2 was hacked by Sean Riddle into a menu for the Multi-Cart. This was initially made using a hexeditor changing the opcodes directly in the binary dump rather than to disassemble and re-compile the code. He lifted the PlaySong routine from another dumped game Pro Football and added some well known tones as a fanfare. Later with tools becoming available it was disassembled and more changes could easily be added. The first release version contained several Easter Eggs which also used the LED that the SABA 20 cartridge has, clue in the Multi-Cart binary file is "I like pie".
Later additions was made by e5frog as more games were added to the cartridge. Cosmetic changes have been made as well as some changes in functionality for a better playing experience.
Below is a listing from the Multi-Cart menu as it looked in 2005:
WARNING: Spoiler alert regarding Easter Eggs.
; menu program for multi-cart built from Saba Schach cart ; the text routines are from demo cart 1; the song code is from Pro Football ; Sean Riddle 2004 ; members.cox.net/seanriddle ; last update 12/5/2004 Reset: equ $0000 EpromLatch: equ $3000 himenu: equ $27f9 org $0800 CartridgeStart: db $55 ; valid cart indicator NOP ; unused byte CartridgeEntry: LIS $0 ; init the h/w OUTS 1 OUTS 4 OUTS 5 OUTS 0 pi setallpals0 PI ClrScrn ; clear the screen DCI splash PI PrtSent ; show the title screen LISU 3 LISL 2 LIS 0 LR (IS)+,A ;init secret to 0 LIS $1 LR (IS),A ; init the selected game to #1 dci song1 pi playsong LIS $4 LR $0,A PI Delay ; pause on the title screen redraw: PI ClrScrn ; clear the screen DCI instr PI PrtSent ; show the instructions menuloop: LIS 0 ;reset the speaker OUTS 5 DCI titles ;blank the line PI PrtSent DCI titles LISU 3 ;game # LISL 3 LR A,(IS) adc ;8 bytes per title adc adc adc adc adc adc adc PI PrtSent ; show the current title PI GetHC ; read controllers CI $01 ; right? BF $4,notright ;no LISU 3 ;yes LISL 3 LR A,(IS) INC ;next game CI $28 BF $4,nottoobig ;past max game? LIS $1 ;yes- start over nottoobig: LR (IS),A ;no BF $0,menuloop ;loop notright: CI $02 ; left? BF $4,notleft ; no LISU 3 ; yes LISL 3 LR A,(IS) COM ; previous game INC COM BF $4,nottoosmall ; below 0? LI $27 ; yes - set to max nottoosmall: LR (IS),A ; no BF $0,menuloop ; loop notleft: CI $80 ; down? BF $4,notdown ; no DCI latchvals ;get latchval for game, store in game variable LISU 3 LISL 3 LR A,(IS) adc LM LR (IS),A DCI EpromLatch ; yes-select correct EPROM bank JMP himenu ; jump to our vector notdown: LISU 3 LISL 3 LR A,(IS)- CI 31 bf $4,not31 LR A,(IS) INC LR (IS),A CI 4 bf $4,menuloop ;secret 1 PI ClrScrn LI $80 OUTS 5 DCI secret PI PrtSent lis 3 lisu 3 lisl 1 lr (IS),a s1loop: lr a,(IS) pi setallpals0 LIS $1 LR $0,A PI Delay pi setallpals1 LIS $1 LR $0,A PI Delay pi setallpals2 LIS $1 LR $0,A PI Delay pi setallpals3 LIS $1 LR $0,A PI Delay lisu 3 lisl 1 ds (IS) bt 2,s1loop ;secret 1 jmp redraw not31: ci 22 bf $4,not22 LR A,(IS) INC LR (IS),A CI 7 bf $4,menuloop2 ;secret 2 LI $40 OUTS 5 LIS $1 LR $0,a PI delay lis 4 lisu 3 lisl 1 lr (IS),a s2loop: lr a,(IS) dci $3800 st LIS $2 LR $0,a PI delay dci $8000 st LIS $2 LR $0,a PI delay lisu 3 lisl 1 ds (IS) bt 2,s2loop ;secret 2 bf 4,menuloop2 not22: ci 3 bf $4,menuloop2 LR A,(IS) INC LR (IS),A CI 14 bf $4,menuloop2 ;secret 3 dci song2 pi playsong LIS $1 LR $0,a PI delay ;secret 3 menuloop2: jmp menuloop ClrScrn: LR K,P PI $0107 LISU 3 LISL 7 LIS $0 LR (IS),A LI $d6 LR $3,A PI $00d0 PI $011e PK PrtSent: LR K,P ; print a "sentence" - from the demo cart code PI $0107 LIS $0 LR $a,A LR A,$b SL 1 LIS $e BT 1,PS2 LI $15 PS2: LR $1,A LIS $9 LR $2,A LM LR $4,A A0837: LM LR $0,A LR Q,DC DCI words BF $0,A0851 A084f: LM ADC A0851: LR A,$0 CM BF $4,A084f LM LR $3,A AS $a LR $a,A LR A,$b SL 1 LR A,$a BT 1,A0866 CI $0c BT 1,A0870 LI $15 BF $0,A086b A0866: CI $0e BT 1,A0870 LIS $e A086b: LR $1,A LIS $6 AS $2 LR $2,A LR A,$3 A0870: LR $a,A A0871: LM XI $c0 LR $0,A LR A,IS LR $9,A LISU 4 LISL 5 LR A,$9 LR (IS)+,A LR A,$a LR (IS)+,A LR A,$b LR (IS),A LR H,DC DCI bitmaps PI $067c LR DC,H LR A,(IS)- LR $b,A LR A,(IS)- LR $a,A LR A,(IS) LR IS,A DS $3 BF $4,A0871 LIS $1 AS $a LR $a,A LR DC,Q LM CI $27 BF $4,A08a6 LR Q,DC OI $c0 LR $0,A DCI bitmaps PI $067c LIS $1 AS $a LR $a,A A08a6: LR A,$a CI $0c BF $1,A08b4 LI $25 LR $0,A DCI bitmaps PI $067c A08b4: DS $4 LR DC,Q BT 4,A08bb JMP A0837 A08bb: PI $011e PK Delay: LR K,P LIS $f LR $5,A delay1: PI $008f DS $0 BF $4,delay1 LR P,K POP GetHC: LIS $0 OUTS 1 OUTS 4 INS 1 COM BF $4,gothc INS 4 COM BT 4,GetHC gothc: POP setallpals0: lis 0 lr 0,a bf 0,setallpals setallpals1: lis 0 lr 0,a li $80 bf 0,setallpals setallpals2: li $80 lr 0,a lis 0 bf 0,setallpals setallpals3: li $80 lr 0,a setallpals: lr 1,a li $7d com outs 4 lr a,0 outs 1 li $3f lr 2,a saploopl: lr a,2 outs 5 li $60 outs 0 li $50 outs 0 lis 6 ; in bowling 4 lr 4,a sapdelay: ds 4 bf 4,sapdelay ds 2 bt 2,saploopl li $7e com outs 4 lr a,1 outs 1 li $3f lr 2,a saploopl2: lr a,2 outs 5 li $60 outs 0 li $50 outs 0 lis 6 ; in bowling 4 lr 4,a sapdelay2: ds 4 bf 4,sapdelay2 ds 2 bt 2,saploopl2 pop playsong: ;from Pro Football LIS 3 LR $4,A psdly1: INC BF 4,psdly1 AM LR $7,A BT 4,psexit LM LR $5,A psloop: LI $80 OUTS 5 LR A,$5 psdly2: INC BF 4,psdly2 OUTS 5 LR A,$5 psdly3: INC BF 4,psdly3 DS $4 BF 4,psloop LIS 3 LR $4,A DS $7 BF 4,psloop BF 0,playsong psexit: POP ;song format is dur,freq, dur,freq, ..., 0 song1: db $10,$80, $10,$80, $10,$80, $20,$40, 0 song2: db $30,$80, $30,$80, $34,$90, $38,$a0, $38,$a0, $34,$90, $30,$80, $2c,$70, $28,$60, $28,$60, $2c,$70, $30,$80, $45,$80, $16,$70, $58,$70, 0 ;this is what is stored in the latch for each game ; Latchvals: ; A12 A17 A16 A15 A14 A13 ; 4096 131072 65536 32768 16384 8192 ; $1000 $20000 $10000 $8000 $4000 $2000 ; 64 4kB slots for carts <= 2kB, 32 8kB slots carts < 8kB ; a 2kB game is placed in memory between adress $0800-$0fff ; so despite the game uses only 2kB, it uses 4kB of adress space. ;0 $00000 Menu ;1 $01000 test (colortest) ;2 $02000 #1 ;3 $03000 #2 ;4 $04000 #3 ;5 $05000 #4 ;6 $06000 #5 ;7 $07000 #6 ;8 $08000 #7 ;9 $09000 #8 ;10 $0A000 #9 ;11 $0B000 #10 ;12 $0C000 #11 ;13 $0D000 #12 ;14 $0E000 #13 ;15 $0F000 #14 ;16 $10000 #15 ;17 $11000 #16 ;18 $12000 #17 ;19 $13000 #18 ;20 $14000 #19 ;21 $15000 #20 ;22 $16000 #21 ;23 $17000 #22 ;24 $18000 #23 ;25 $19000 Alt. BIOS ;26 $1A000 #24 ;27 $1B000 Pointer for console BIOS ;28 $1C000 #25 ;29 $1D000 ;20 $1E000 #26 ;31 $1F000 ;32 $20000 SABA#20 ;33 $21000 ;34 $22000 SABA#1 ;35 $23000 SABA#16 ;36 $24000 Maze 2 ;37 $25000 Pinball 2 ;38 $26000 Lights Out ;39 $27000 ;40 $28000 Tetris ;41 $29000 ;42 $2A000 Pac-Man ;43 $2B000 ;44 $2C000 Democart ;45 $2D000 Democart 2 ;46 $2F000 ;47 $2F000 ;48 $30000 ;49 $31000 ;50 $32000 ;51 $33000 ;52 $34000 ;53 $35000 ;54 $36000 ;55 $37000 ;56 $38000 ;57 $39000 ;58 $3A000 ;59 $3B000 ;60 $3C000 ;61 $3D000 ;62 $3E000 ;63 $3F000 latchvals: db $00 ;menu code db $01,$21,$02,$22,$03,$23,$04,$24 ;first 23 games (each 2K) db $05,$25,$06,$26,$07,$27,$08,$28 db $09,$29,$0a,$2a,$0b,$2b,$0c db $d,$e,$f,$10,$11,$31,$12,$32 ;24,25,26,Schach,1G,16G,Maze2,pin2 db $13,$14,$15,$20,$16,$36 ;Lights,Tetris,Pac,test,DC1,DC2 db $2c,$2d ;BIOS2,BIOS1 (2nd half of cart 24) ;there are currently nine 8K spaces free titles: db $07,$CE,$CE,$CB,$CE,$CE,$CB,$CE ; blanks db $06,$CC,$C9,$81,$CB,$A1,$CE,$00 ; game title 1 - TIC-TAC-TOE db $06,$CC,$C9,$82,$CB,$A2,$CE,$00 ; 2 db $06,$CC,$C9,$83,$CB,$A3,$CE,$00 ; 3 db $06,$CC,$C9,$84,$CB,$A4,$CE,$00 ; 4 db $06,$CC,$C9,$85,$CB,$A5,$CE,$00 ; 5 db $07,$CC,$C9,$86,$CB,$A6,$80,$CE ; 6 db $07,$CC,$C9,$87,$CB,$A6,$A0,$CE ; 7 db $06,$CC,$C9,$88,$CB,$A7,$CE,$00 ; 8 db $06,$CC,$C9,$89,$CB,$A8,$CE,$00 ; 9 db $06,$CC,$C9,$8A,$CB,$A9,$CE,$00 ; 10 db $06,$CC,$C9,$8B,$CB,$AA,$CE,$00 ; 11 db $06,$CC,$C9,$8C,$CB,$AB,$CE,$00 ; 12 db $06,$CC,$C9,$8D,$CB,$AC,$CE,$00 db $06,$CC,$C9,$8E,$CB,$AD,$CE,$00 db $06,$CC,$C9,$8F,$CB,$AE,$CE,$00 db $06,$CC,$C9,$90,$CB,$AF,$CE,$00 db $06,$CC,$C9,$91,$CB,$B0,$CE,$00 db $07,$CC,$C9,$92,$CB,$CC,$B1,$CE db $06,$CC,$C9,$93,$CB,$B2,$CE,$00 db $06,$CC,$C9,$94,$CB,$B3,$CE,$00 db $06,$CC,$C9,$95,$CB,$B4,$CE,$00 db $06,$CC,$C9,$96,$CB,$B5,$CE,$00 db $06,$CC,$C9,$97,$CB,$B6,$CE,$00 db $06,$CC,$C9,$98,$CB,$B7,$CE,$00 db $06,$CC,$C9,$99,$CB,$B8,$CE,$00 ;25 Casino Poker db $06,$CC,$C9,$9A,$CB,$B9,$CE,$00 ;26 Alien Invasion db $06,$CC,$C9,$9b,$CB,$BC,$CE,$00 ;29 Schach db $07,$CC,$C9,$9c,$Cb,$BB,$d9,$80 ;game title 42 - German cart 1 db $06,$CC,$C9,$9d,$CB,$BB,$B1,$00 ;28 German 16 db $06,$CC,$C9,$9e,$CB,$A9,$A0,$00 ; maze 2 db $06,$cc,$c9,$9f,$cb,$df,$a0,$00 ;slot 49 - game 39 Pinball2 db $06,$cc,$c9,$cf,$cb,$db,$ce,$00 ;lights out db $06,$CC,$C9,$d0,$CB,$d3,$Cd,$00 ;27 Tetris db $06,$CC,$C9,$D1,$cb,$de,$ce,$00 ;slot 48 - game 38 PACMAN db $06,$cc,$c9,$d2,$cb,$d7,$cb,$00 ; test image 41 db $07,$CC,$C9,$d8,$CB,$BA,$d9,$80 ; democart 1 db $07,$CC,$C9,$da,$CB,$BA,$d9,$a0 ; demo cart 2 db $06,$CC,$C9,$dc,$CB,$d4,$a0,$00 ; bios 2 db $06,$CC,$C9,$dd,$CB,$d4,$80,$00 ;game title 47 - bios 1 instr: db $15,$CE,$CE,$CE,$CE,$CE,$CE,$CE,$CE,$CA,$CA,$C2,$C3,$C4,$C5,$CA,$C6,$C7,$CA,$CB,$C3,$C8 ;LEFT-RIGHT TO SELECT GAME PUSH DOWN TO START splash: db $0B,$CB,$BD,$CA,$CA,$BE,$CE,$BF,$CD,$CA,$C0,$C1 ;CHANNEL F MULTI-CART BY SEAN RIDDLE secret: db $02,$d5,$d6 words: ;ID, len, char, char, ... db $80,$01,$41 ;1 db $81,$02,$80,$81 ;01 db $82,$02,$80,$82 ;02 db $83,$02,$80,$83 db $84,$02,$80,$84 db $85,$02,$80,$85 db $86,$02,$80,$86 db $87,$02,$80,$87 db $88,$02,$80,$88 db $89,$02,$80,$89 db $8A,$02,$81,$80 ;10 db $8B,$02,$81,$81 db $8C,$02,$81,$82 db $8D,$02,$81,$83 db $8E,$02,$81,$84 db $8F,$02,$81,$85 db $90,$02,$81,$86 db $91,$02,$81,$87 db $92,$02,$81,$88 db $93,$02,$81,$89 db $94,$02,$82,$80 db $95,$02,$82,$81 db $96,$02,$82,$82 db $97,$02,$82,$83 db $98,$02,$82,$84 db $99,$02,$82,$85 db $9A,$02,$82,$86 db $9B,$02,$82,$87 db $9C,$02,$82,$88 db $9D,$02,$82,$89 db $9E,$02,$83,$80 db $9F,$02,$83,$81 ;31 db $A0,$01,$42 ;2 db $A1,$0D,$25,$25,$5E,$52,$4C,$68,$5E,$4A,$4C,$68,$5E,$59,$4E ; TIC-TAC-TOE db $A2,$0C,$25,$25,$4D,$4E,$5D,$4E,$5C,$5E,$65,$4F,$59,$62 ; DESERT FOX db $A3,$0C,$25,$25,$25,$4B,$56,$4A,$4C,$54,$53,$4A,$4C,$54 ; BLACKJACK db $A4,$0B,$25,$25,$25,$5D,$5A,$52,$5E,$4F,$52,$5C,$4E ; SPITFIRE db $A5,$0C,$25,$25,$25,$5D,$5A,$4A,$4C,$4E,$65,$61,$4A,$5C ; SPACE WAR db $A6,$0B,$25,$25,$57,$4A,$5E,$51,$65,$5B,$5F,$52,$64 ; MATH QUIZ db $A7,$0E,$25,$57,$4A,$50,$52,$4C,$65,$58,$5F,$57,$4B,$4E,$5C,$5D ; MAGIC NUMBERS db $A8,$0C,$25,$25,$25,$4D,$5C,$4A,$50,$65,$5C,$4A,$4C,$4E ; DRAG RACE db $A9,$09,$25,$25,$25,$25,$25,$57,$4A,$64,$4E ; MAZE db $AA,$0C,$25,$25,$4B,$4A,$4C,$54,$50,$4A,$57,$57,$59,$58 ; BACKGAMMON db $AB,$0B,$25,$25,$25,$4B,$4A,$5D,$4E,$4B,$4A,$56,$56 ; BASEBALL db $AC,$0C,$25,$25,$25,$5C,$59,$4B,$59,$5E,$65,$61,$4A,$5C ; ROBOT WAR db $AD,$0D,$25,$5D,$59,$58,$4A,$5C,$65,$5D,$4E,$4A,$5C,$4C,$51 ; SONAR SEARCH db $AE,$0D,$25,$57,$4E,$57,$59,$5C,$63,$65,$57,$4A,$5E,$4C,$51 ; MEMORY MATCH db $AF,$0B,$25,$25,$25,$4D,$59,$4D,$50,$4E,$68,$52,$5E ; DODGE-IT db $B0,$0B,$25,$25,$25,$25,$5A,$52,$58,$4B,$4A,$56,$56,$00,$00,$00,$00 ; PINBALL db $B1,$07,$51,$4A,$58,$50,$57,$4A,$58 ;HANGMAN db $B2,$0B,$25,$25,$25,$4C,$51,$4E,$4C,$54,$4E,$5C,$5D ; CHECKERS db $B3,$0E,$60,$52,$4D,$4E,$59,$65,$61,$51,$52,$64,$4B,$4A,$56,$56 ;VIDEO WHIZBALL db $B4,$0B,$25,$25,$25,$25,$4B,$59,$61,$56,$52,$58,$50 ; BOWLING db $B5,$0D,$25,$5D,$56,$59,$5E,$65,$57,$4A,$4C,$51,$52,$58,$4E ; SLOT MACHINE db $B6,$0E,$25,$50,$4A,$56,$4A,$4C,$5E,$52,$4C,$65,$61,$4A,$5C,$5D ; GALACTIC WARS db $B7,$0D,$25,$5A,$5C,$59,$65,$4F,$59,$59,$5E,$4B,$4A,$56,$56 ; PRO FOOTBALL db $B8,$0D,$25,$4C,$4A,$5D,$52,$58,$59,$65,$5A,$59,$54,$4E,$5C ; CASINO POKER db $B9,$0E,$4A,$56,$52,$4E,$58,$65,$52,$58,$60,$4A,$5D,$52,$59,$58 ;ALIEN INVADERS db $BA,$06,$25,$25,$4D,$4E,$57,$59 ; DEMO db $BB,$06,$50,$4E,$5C,$57,$4A,$58 ;GERMAN db $BC,$0A,$25,$25,$25,$25,$25,$4C,$51,$4E,$5D,$5D ; CHESS db $BD,$09,$0C,$11,$0A,$18,$18,$0E,$16,$25,$0F ;CHANNEL F db $BE,$0A,$57,$1F,$96,$5E,$12,$A8,$4C,$0A,$9C,$5E ;MULTI-CART db $BF,$02,$0B,$23 ;BY db $C0,$04,$9D,$8E,$8A,$98 ;SEAN db $C1,$06,$9C,$92,$8D,$8D,$96,$8E ;RIDDLE db $C2,$0A,$16,$0E,$0F,$1E,$28,$1C,$12,$10,$11,$1E ;LEFT-RIGHT db $C3,$02,$1E,$19 ;TO db $C4,$06,$1D,$0E,$16,$0E,$0C,$1E ;SELECT db $C5,$04,$10,$0A,$17,$0E ;GAME db $C6,$04,$1A,$1F,$1D,$11 ;PUSH db $C7,$04,$0D,$19,$21,$18 ;DOWN db $C8,$05,$1D,$1E,$0A,$1C,$1E ;START db $C9,$04,$8C,$8A,$9C,$9E ;CART <blue> db $CA,$01,$25 ;1 space db $CB,$02,$25,$25 ;2 spaces db $CC,$03,$25,$25,$25 ;3 spaces db $CD,$04,$25,$25,$25,$25 ;4 spaces db $CE,$05,$25,$25,$25,$25,$25 ;5 spaces db $cf,$02,$83,$82 ;32 db $d0,$02,$83,$83 ;33 db $d1,$02,$83,$84 ;34 db $d2,$02,$83,$85 ;35 db $d3,$0a,$25,$25,$25,$25,$5e,$4e,$5e,$5c,$52,$5d ; TETRIS db $d4,$08,$25,$25,$25,$25,$4b,$52,$59,$5d ; BIOS db $d5,$05,$91,$8e,$96,$96,$99 ;HELLO db $d6,$07,$4f,$5c,$4e,$4d,$5c,$52,$4c ;FREDRIC db $d7,$09,$25,$25,$25,$25,$25,$5e,$4e,$5d,$5e ; TEST db $d8,$02,$83,$86 ;36 db $d9,$04,$4C,$4A,$5C,$5E ;CART <red> db $da,$02,$83,$87 ;37 db $db,$0c,$25,$25,$56,$52,$50,$51,$5E,$5D,$25,$59,$5f,$5e ;LIGHTS OUT db $dc,$02,$83,$88 ;38 db $dd,$02,$83,$89 ;39 db $de,$0b,$25,$25,$25,$25,$5A,$4a,$4c,$68,$57,$4a,$58 ;PACMAN db $df,$0a,$25,$25,$25,$5A,$52,$58,$4B,$4A,$56,$56 ; PINBALL2 bitmaps: ;5x5 character bitmaps db $F8,$88,$88,$88,$F8 ;00 0 db $20,$60,$20,$20,$70 ;01 1 db $F8,$08,$F8,$80,$F8 db $F8,$08,$38,$08,$F8 db $88,$88,$F8,$08,$08 db $F8,$80,$F8,$08,$F8 db $F8,$80,$F8,$88,$F8 db $F8,$08,$08,$08,$08 db $F8,$88,$F8,$88,$F8 db $F8,$88,$F8,$08,$F8 ;09 9 db $F8,$88,$F8,$88,$88 ;0a A db $F8,$48,$78,$48,$F8 db $F8,$80,$80,$80,$F8 db $F8,$48,$48,$48,$F8 db $F8,$80,$E0,$80,$F8 db $F8,$80,$E0,$80,$80 db $F8,$80,$98,$88,$F8 ;10 G db $88,$88,$F8,$88,$88 db $F8,$20,$20,$20,$F8 ;12 I db $F8,$20,$20,$A0,$E0 db $90,$A0,$C0,$A0,$90 ;14 K db $00,$00,$70,$00,$00 ;15 - db $80,$80,$80,$80,$F8 ;16 L db $88,$D8,$A8,$88,$88 ;17 M db $88,$C8,$A8,$98,$88 ;18 N db $F8,$88,$88,$88,$F8 ;19 O db $F8,$88,$F8,$80,$80 ;1a P db $F8,$88,$88,$90,$E8 ;1b Q db $F8,$88,$F8,$90,$88 ;1c R db $F8,$80,$F8,$08,$F8 ;1d S db $F8,$20,$20,$20,$20 ;1e T db $88,$88,$88,$88,$F8 ;1f U db $88,$88,$88,$50,$20 ;20 V db $88,$88,$A8,$D8,$88 db $88,$50,$20,$50,$88 db $88,$88,$F8,$20,$20 db $F8,$10,$20,$40,$F8 ;24 Z db $00,$00,$00,$00,$00 ;25 space db $F8,$08,$38,$00,$20 ;26 ? db $00,$00,$00,$00,$40 ;27 . db $00,$00,$70,$00,$00 ;28 - ;??? is this used? db $81,$82,$83,$84,$84 db $29,$1B,$0F,$09,$09,$2B db $FF,$FF org $0ff0 db $53,$65,$61,$6e,$20,$52,$69,$64,$64,$6c,$65,$20,$32,$30,$30,$34 ; the following code is in the "himenu" file ;org $27f9 ;himenu: ; lisu 3 ;load the latch value ; lisl 3 ; lr a,(IS) ; st ;set the latch ; jmp Reset ;jump to reset vector- BIOS will start game normally end